O'ANNE AND O'DAVE TRAVELS - Shops worth mentioning we encounter along
the way
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2 English Ladies, Chico, CA /
- website
We found these people at the SF Garden Show of 2014 in San Mateo and took home their shortbread, lemon curd and clotted cream. This is the best I have had this side of the pond.
Addictions - 128 S Washington St,
Sonora, CA 95370 - 209.617.3689
My last visit to downtown Sonora brought bad news; my two favorite clothing shops were closing or already gone.
I wandered into another shop nearby and was pleasantly surprised, totally pleased by the jeans
(button up waisted bells!!) and a lacey over shirt. A bit pricey BUT worth it.
We aren't in Walmart, thank goodness. Brittany was just the icing on the cake.
A lovely girl, we stayed for lengthy travel talk and I WILL be back.
Al's Attire, 1300 Grant Ave, North Beach, San
Francisco, CA 94133 / 415.693.9900
I am an amateur seamstress, and this shop was plainly impressive. All handmade clothing, from shirts to shoes. Stunning. Expensive but the quality simply cannot be matched.
You own these articles for life.
Andronico's Market, 1200 Irving St at Funston, Sunset Dist, San Francisco, CA 94122 / 415.661.3220
- website
San Francisco's local World Market, with everything needed for a pallet fantasy. We dare you to leave empty handed, and make sure you leave plenty of time to wander each aisle.
The produce area is phenomenal, the staff are wonderful. The entire store is well placed and exceptionally clean.
Artemisia Herbals, 10800 Airport Road, Columbia, CA 95310 / 209.694.9509 - website
Handmade herbal products, a wide variety. A member of the Mountain People Organics Indoor Market. Proprietor - Laura Wynne
Artificer's Exchange, 11259 Jackson Street, Columbia, CA 95310 - 209.536.1859
A lovely shop full of authentic clothing, costume ideas, patterns and on and on. Danette's knowledge of the era is
ASDA - several locations, England
- website
What a shame they don't deliver to the US! There are several standard stores in the UK where ever you go. This is large store with 2/3 food and 1/3 household, clothing, garden, even tires.
I think I bought my first pair of wellies here. If you were to cloe your ears, you could be in the states, almost. It has a different feel, hard to describe, almost like a Safeway.
Asylum Down, 300 Broad Street, Nevada City, CA /
- website - ***** Peggy's website was stolen, incredible!! Check it out.
As good as it gets for unique batiks, jewelry and wonderful earthy stuff. AND we ran into them again at the
SF Garden Show of 2014. Another basket and scarf went home.
Banyon Tree, 59 S Washington St, Sonora, CA / 209.588.9983
My absolutely favorite clothing store. I have only walked in and out without a purchase once, and I was on a hunt for something specific and had to close my eyes to get out empty handed. .
Bead It, 1325 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA
95060 / 831.426.0779
Open 11 am to 7 pm, 7 days a week
One of those rare, find anything you want bead it shops. Be careful, you
can walk out with a 4" x 4" bag and a $300 bill. Well, if you are a bead
Beat Museum, 540 Broadway, San Francisco,
CA 94133 / 415.399.9626 -
North Beach, from the norm to the unusual, music, books to tees and buttons.
Ben Franklin Crafts 598 Sutton Way, Grass Valley, CA 95945 - 530.273.1348 -
Crafters beware. I thought I died and went to heaven. Their fabric and yarn departments are large enough to get lost in. Bad, bad, store.
Danger Will Robinson.
Benjamin Fig, 129 S Washington St, Sonora, CA / 209.532.5081
Another favorite, imports, Indian scarves and sarongs, caftans, masks, incredible art, spectacular gifts. A must see. And you must visit the border collie, Poppy.
Bird Nest Tea Shop & Tea Room, 4998
Fifth Street, Mariposa, CA 209.742.4227 / SADLY GONE
If you love tea and real, grand people, you will love this shop. It has become
a must stop when we are in the area. The first time we were there, it was
the day before the famous Butterfly Fair in Mariposa, we needed tea. We stayed
to talk with the owner for over an hour! It started hailing and we watched
with our mouths open as hail covered the sidewalks in May.
Bolton Feed20117 Highway 108, Sonora, CA 95370 - 209.533.2083
As good as it gets, friendly owners, good prices, great inventory, a standard stop for our wildlife needs.
Book Juggler, 182 S Main St ,Willits, CA 95490 - 707.459-4075
Great used books and new, good prices, been there for years, extensive hallways, bring cracker crumbs so you won't get lost.
Bright Designs, 1 Alley Way, Sonora, CA 95370 / 209.553.0998
Spectacular one of a kind jewelry for men and women. I bought a Celtic lace choker, love it!!
Britex Fabrics, 146 Geary Street, San
Francisco, CA 94108 / 415.392.2910 -
Open Monday to Saturday 10 - 6, closed Sundays
Four fabulous floors of fabric and notions. Good enough for Stephen Stills,
good enough for me? What a shame the cheapest fabric was $10 a yard, silk was $145 a yard.
Cali Kind, 13463 S Highway 101, Hopland, CA 95482 / 707.744.8757 - website
Oh the joys of tye dye. This is a tent on the south end of town, Steven was helpful and promised not to let me buy too much. ($200 in a flash)
You can buy on line, and there are two more locations in Cotati and Aptos.
Cartwright's Market, 825 Union Ave, Grants Pass, OR / 541.479.0321 -
website -
Oh, not enough room to describe this store. Delights not found anywhere else found on every turn, every counter, every display. Try a wall of
different beer taps!
Monk fish not found anywhere else for the past twenty years. Leopard melon! Starfruit! Oh, a dreamcome true, in the wrong city!
Casa de Fruta, 10021 Pacheco Pass Hwy, Hollister, CA 95023 / 800.543.1702 - website
This is a pit stop for us any time we are headed over the hill, even just to walk about. Amusement rides (during peak hours)
include a double decker, childhood dream merry-go-round. A wine and gift shop, fruit and junk store, and then there is the candy store.
There is a restaurant, (not so good food but okay if you are really hungry or desperate) and don't forget the kiddie train ride, the peacocks
(they LOVE oyster crackers) and ducks in the ponds, all sorts of things to see and do for everyone of all ages.
Chefworks, 1527 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz,
CA 95340 / 831.426.1351 -
Oh, the joys of a store that carried it all.
Clark's Collectible & Lunchbox Museum, 3674 E State Hwy 20, Nice, CA 95464-1304 / 707.6957374 -
This is just a fun stop. Take a minute to stretch your legs and browse this ridiculously cute store, FULL of memorabilia.
Deb is a riot, you will feel like you have known her for years. I can't wait to go back, except the animated clowns (the kind that were at the SF Fun house, remember those??)
scare my daughter and grandson, lolol!!!! Heck, I will make them wait in the car.
Cloth and Quilts 625 E Main St, Turlock, CA 95380 - 209.632.3225 - website
Another truly dangerous store. Not only do they have a huge selection of the
most unusual and hard to find fabrics, their displays of quilt ideas make your
creative juices flow and your mouth water. A tiny bit pricey but well
worth it. This is the only place I was able to find Civil War fabrics before
they became popular.
Cloud 9, 234 West Main St, Merced, CA / 209.917.2054 - Facebook
Her business card reads, "Antique, Vintage, Mystic, Artisitic, Odd & Obsure Merchandise."
A delight. And a surprise. Jena and I walked in, aghast, that Merced finally had a decent store like the one in Haight.
Hope she stays!! Proprietor Stephanie Busbea-Tharp
Cole Hardware 70 4th Street, San Francisco,
CA / 415.777.4400 -
Another "Oh, the joys of a store that carried it all" and then some, in the
heart of the city.
Collectors Cave 2072 Union Street at Webster, San Francisco,
CA / 415.929.0255
Smaller, privately owned (this is good) store with choice toys, a good selection, excellent prices, and great owner, Stephen Tarantino. An excellent walk down memory lane.
Colleen Toland, 545 Bloomfield Road, Sebastopol, CA 95472 / 207.823.6890 - website
Rarely have I gasped at a piece of jewelry, but I did here, and I wish I had purchased more than one necklace. Stunning art.
Columbia Clothiers & Emporium, 22711
Main Street, Columbia, CA 95310 - 209.770.2540
Such a find! She may look closed at the end of the street but she isn't,
thank goodness. Angela is like an old friend, her shop has everything one could
hope for in a clothier. Delights in every corner.
Columbia Kate's Boutique, 11256 State
Street, Columbia, CA 95310 - 209.532.2177 - website
Bad place. Bad, bad place. First of all, if you are looking for buttons, this
is the place. Thousands upon thousands. Secondly, close your eyes as you pass by
the incredible clothing, not to mention all the goodies.
We walked in and my
husband groaned, literally. He knew his pocket book was in trouble. BUT, I own two lovely skirts and a new sweater. We SHALL be back. Just don't tell my hubby.
Perfect place to visit after lunch and tea at Columbia Kate's Tea Shop.
Columbus Cutlery, 358 Columbus Ave,
San Francisco, CA / 415.362.1342
Open 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, closed Wednesdays and Sundays
A teensy shop, standing area might have been 5 feet by 9 feet. You might
be able to see everything in the entire shop if you stay an hour.
Since almost
everything we do incorporates a cutting implement, we truly appreciate a
fine tool. This is one of the finest selections we have seen in a while.
Jenny, the owner, is tremendously pleasant and enjoyable.
Cookin', 339 Divisadero Street, Lower Haight, San Francisco,
CA / 415.861.1854
Organized chaos is perfect. Open a room, pile it to the brim with every item
you would ever need for cooking, mostly antique or at least aged, add a dog,
a delightfully sarcastic shop owner and it's pig heaven.
2014 note: Judith is still there, thank God.
Cost Plus (World Market), 2552 Taylor St, the Wharf, San Francisco,
CA 94133 / 415.928.6200 - Website
Something for everyone, a great plce for Christmas gifts. Very difficult to keep the shopping down here, it's just filled with too much fun stuff.
Country Comfort 520 West Main Street, Merced, CA 95340 209.722.8082
We stalked this store for years, and finally the spa of our dreams was created. Thank you Jim!
Creative Water Gardens, 19777 McHenry
Avenue, Escalon, CA / 209.838.8650
- website
The ultimate in pond and water garden shops, we are so blessed to have them
so close to us. Wander thru their acres of gardens (or their stunning website)
for hefty inspiration, any of the great staff is very comfy and helpful.
You will find their pond equipment, plants and statues al over our gardens.
Some stores are what I teasingly call, "Bad, bad, BAD STORE!" and this is one of them.
Crystal Kaleidoscope, 18435 Hwy 199, Selma OR 97538 / 541.597.4300 -
I did not expect a crystal shop on this journey, what a delight.
When you walk in the store, be warned, it is sensory overload.
They had stones and crystals I had never heard of!!
The owners, Louis and Carol, are incredibly helpful and knowledgeable.
Such a sorry tale we do not live closer!!!!!!
Crystal Rainbow Rock Shop 310 Commercial Street, Nevada City, CA 95959 - 530.265.3784
We spotted this tiny place just after breakfast at Ike's, and a visit to the store reopened an adventure in the metaphysical world for me.
A very tiny, sweet place. The sign warns you of uneven ground inside and true to her word, the ground is covered in uniform black and grey one inch pebbles.
The perfect floor cover for such a shop. The store is filled to the brim with delights of all sorts, every stone imaginable, sweet decors and treasures.
Mimi's knowledge is phenomenal! We would return a few times, relying on her knowledge and fantastic inventory.
A shame she is four hours away because the short time spent in her shop was the most peaceful moments you can possibly imagine.
Crystal Wand
529 Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325 / 717.339.0900 - website
Shop hours vary depending on the season, check her website.
A small but well chosen selection of items, from stone and herbs to wands and bumper stickers.
Crystal Way 2335 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94114 415.861.6511
(Between Noe & Castro) - website
So glad we found this shop. We spent quite a time there, selecting and
feeling, poking and prodding. Truly lovely stuff, and a very good inventory.
Wish I had time to talk to John, very interesting fellow observing us as we
Dar Beads, 317 Spring Street, Nevada City, CA / 773.220.2800 - website
Phenomenal glass hand blown beads. I own a double sided tree of life. Owner Darby Graham.
Sept 2013
Dean Floral, 320 East Main, Turlock, CA 95380
/ 209.634.4913 - website
Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am to 5:30 pm, Sat: 10 am to 2 pm, closed Sundays
Besides a delightful shop with grand garden and gift items, the women there
are service oriented, knowledgeable and very helpful for any occasion. Thank
you, Linda!
Delight-ful Treasures, Coarsegold Historic Village, Coarsegold, CA 93614 559.642.6668 -
Owner Delight Dugovic. Classic antique store filled to the brim with serious delights displayed in a delicious manner. Hard to see it all, but it's worth trying!
Dial's Rock & Fossil Shop, 4006 Hwy 140, Cathey's Valley CA 93614 209.966.2127
One of our go-to places for crystals and rocks. Delightful place, good prices. Mike surely knows his stones!!
Discount Fabrics, 1432 Haight Street, San Francisco,
CA 415.621.5544 CLOSED!!! SOB!!!
The largest selection of fabric, normal weird and really far out I have come
Dorothea's Christmas, 132 N Washington Street, Sonora, CA 95370 -
A MUST see for Christmas ornaments and Christmas freaks. Prepare to spend money, you WILL find something irresistable~
Dragon's Lair, 101 South Main St, Ukiah, CA 95482 707.462.4010 Mon-Sat 11-6, Sun 12-5 (May to Dec) -
Greatest Goth, sixties, tye-dye, jewelry, cards, best you name it store I have ever found.
Dragon's Treasure, 816 E Olive Ave, Fresno, CA 93728 209.266.9295
Avoid this place at all costs if you like silver, bronze, gold, Celtic designs, dragons, on and on and on. Gorgeous,
beautiful hand made (old fashioned wax casting!!) pieces at truly reasonable prices for what you are getting. Luscious stuff.
Oh, and stop by the stationery card wall, omg. Fairies, butterflies, artworks you will find hard to resist.
Dreams of Katmandu, 1352 Haight Street, San
Francisco, CA / 415.255.4968 -
website - CLOSED!!!
Delightful store full of incense, fabrics, masks. New owner in 2009.
Earthsong, 1701 Haight St, the Haight, San Francisco,
CA / 415.751.0127 - at the corner of Cole
Delightful collection of hippie stuff, including killer tye dye skirts. Jewelry to die for, you will always find something!
Farmer's Market, 603 Rogue River Hiway, Grants Pass, OR 97527 - 541.474.0252 -
website and
Great, great place, incredible produce, organice groceries. Albeit more expensive, absolutely worth it if you are looking for quality in your food.
Fortune Cookie Factory, 56 Ross Alley,
Chinatown, San Francisco, CA / 415.781.3956 (Between Jackson and Washington)
Always hard to find because it is not on the main two roads of Chinatown,
Grant and Stockton. My first visit her was when I was young, maybe nine years old. I
was fascinated, and totally blown away, to see that one small smiling woman
created thousands and thousands of cookies with such a simple, yet perfect
Frederickson's Hardware, 3029 Fillmore Street, Marina / Cow Hollow, San Francisco,
CA 94123 / 415.292.2950
There are a few stores that get us in serious trouble. Books, hardware, fabric, hippie, garden, cooking and junk. This one fills four of those categories.
A lot of Christmas shopping is done here, in between petting the cats, chatting with the girls, walking down each and every aisle and drooling on the kitchen ware or patio items.
We try very hard not to miss this stop.
Free Bird Company, 838 E Olive Ave, Fresno (Tower District) CA 93728 / 209.312.6174 / 7 days noon to 7 pm
website and Facebook
Sixties tie die clothing with flair, everything sixties and seventies, the coolest owners, the best service, the store for us hippies. A must go.
Gallery This, PO Box 726, Brookdale, CA
/ 831-338-4770 (At the Brookdale Lodge)
Standard elegant tourist until you take a closer look. We left with a floor
bong from Bali, silver jewelry and several scarves soon to become dresses.
Thank you, Lisa!
Gamescape, 333 Divisadero St, Lower Haight, San Francisco, CA
/ 415.521.4263
We have walked by this place so many times and it was always when they were closed. Finally, we went on a weekday, and got to visit! Oh my,
like a kid in a candy store. So many games it was overwhelming! Love it.
Garden Company, Soulsbyville, CA / 209.770.0922 - website
Not too many people have a knowledge as extensive as hers, and the green thumb. Very high prices but very healthy plants. Moving to a location on 108 at C & W Supply.
Proprietor Mary Campbell.
Genesis Imports, 1597 Haight Street, San Francisco,
CA / 415.703.0775 CLOSED!!! NO WAY!
Maybe 1350 4th Street, San Rafael, CA 94901 / 415.526.3047
Indescribable wooden carvings, jewelry, incense and stuff.
The Goods Shoppe, 56 South Main Street, Willits, CA 95490 / 707.459.1363
Their logo is "For the Child in Everyone." Nuff said.
I try very hard to never miss a chance to go here, sometimes just to look and laugh. My mother started it all by buying the most strange birthday and Christmas gifts of sheer delight here,
and we plan to continue the tradition.
Tabitha works there and she is nothing but delightful!!
Goorin Brothers Hats, 1446 Haight Street, the Haight, San Francisco, CA 94117 / 415.436.9450
- website
Classy, expensive, worthwhile investments if you wear hats. The only problem? Which hat? Exceedingly helpful and friendly staff.
Grandma's Antiques, 2125 Yosemite Pkway, Merced, CA 95340 / 209.384.1875
Lovely, lovely, lovely. As the one review said, it is like a museum. Spend some time, plenty of hidden treasures!!
Green Apple, 506 Clement Street, San Francisco,
CA / 415.387.2272 -
Used and new books, beyond imagination and open up late, our favorite late
night place to browse.
Haight Ashbury Music Center, 1540 Haight St, the Haight, San Francisco, CA 94117 / 415.863-7327
Oh to work here! Or to even have been here in the 70's. A delicious collection of everything musical.
Harte of the Kitchen, 22966 Joaquin Gully Road, Twain Harte, CA 95383 / 209.586.5631 -
The couple who own this place have thought of everything. They moved to a new, larger location and now they can stock even more fun stuff,
including anything you can imagine for the connoisseur
or any cooking occasion.
Harvest Market 171 Boatyard Dr, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 - 707.964.7000 -website
Oh man, so glad we don't live near one. Super clean, super friendly and knowledgeable staff. If you are in the area, don't pass this up.
The Hat Company, 1346 Pacific Ave., Santa
Cruz, CA 95060 / 831.458.9585
From standard hats to pirate hats, flamingo hats, downright silly hats. A
must see and play stop.
Here's The Scoop, 18242 Main Street, Jamestown, CA 95327 - 209.984.4583
What a fantastic store. If you want a cookie cutter, this is the place to go! Walls and walls and walls of cookie cutters. Add kitchen gadgets, cookie jars, tea kettles, sandwiches,
ice cream and great people, you can't go wrong.
The Holly Pharmacy, 31 N Baltimore Ave, Mount Holly Springs, PA 17065 / 717.486.4103
We would not normally rate a pharmacy, but this one was special. Not only did they have wondrous gift items, Cindy went beyond the call of duty for two sick travelers who will remember
her for a very long time.
J D Redhouse & Company, 212 S Main Street, Willits, CA 95490 / 707.459.1214
Thank goodness we walked in there to find this is where the Willits fudge moved to! I don't have to die yet now. This is what used to be the "Willits Mall" - one large building that
is now just fun, fun, fun. I guarantee there will be SOMETHING to take home.
Jewelry by Robin, Coarsegold Historic Village, Coarsegold, CA 93614 559.978.4910 -
Lovely place, lovely jewelry. If you will pardon the pun, Robyn is a jewel as well. Her work varies from stunning to clever, prices are reasonable to excellent. The building is, well,
so comfy, Robyn and Maud make you right at home, very welcome. There is something for everyone.
Juno Minerals, 658 Grant Ave, Chinatown,
San Francisco, CA 94108 - 415.398-1882 (bad number)
A small store full to the brim with every kind of gem, stone, mineral you can
imagine. The prices are steep, but the gems are quality, and their origin is
known. The owner is most helpful, friendly and knowledgeable.
The Kitchen Company, 301 SE 6th St, Grants
Pass, OR 97526 / 541.955.5311 -
Lovely, lovely store, lovely, lovely stuff. Lovely staff, so helpful, and knowledgeable. True to form, this was a $200 bill but worth every single penny.
Logos Books and Records, 1117 Pacific Ave, Santa
Cruz, CA / 831.427.5100 - website
Book and record lovers beware. Eleven hardbound books, twenty two bucks.
Nuff said.
Loved to Death, 1681 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117 / 415.551.1036 -
Okay, weird, gruesome, creepy but really, really neat.
Mee Mee Bakery, 1328 Stockton St, Chinatown, San Francisco, CA 94133 / 415.362.3204
Macaroons are to die for, fresh fortune cookies, AND the first person to admit they spoke English AND he knew what the name of the candy I have been searching for since childhood -
sugared melon. We WILL be back.
Mendocino Yarn Shop, 45050 Albion Street, Mendocino, CA 95460 / 707.937.0921
Excellent yarn selection and help, a tad pricey.
Mitsuwa Marketplace, 675 Saratoga Ave, San Jose,
CA / 408.255.6699
A wonderful , large, clean Japanese grocery store. You want it, they have
it. Added plus: the long scratchy fabric shower scrubbies we travel to SF
Morrison's - several locations, England - website
This is the large, seen everwhere grocery store. It's more like our fancy stores, Raleigh's, O'Briens, or World Market rather than Safeway.
A British boomer buddy, Vixster says they are way over priced. They carry the more highly priced and expensive things, but to us, the store is a delight.
They even had zip lock bags and a sort of salami! Several aisle of household, including the water kettles we fell in love with. Flowers, lots of front stores, bank, postal, etc.
A few locations even have a coffee shop cafe. Reliable, and the trolleys are a kick, put a pound in to release a trolley,
get it back when you take the trolley back and hook it up to the others.
Mountain Feed & Supply, 9550 Highway 9,
Ben Lomond, CA 95005 / 831-336-8876
An enchanted nursery complete with a talking cat, wide selection of everything
from pet and farm supply to candles and house delights. Very reasonable pricing
on the truckload of unusual plants we now own.
Mountain Rose Thrift Store, 20031 Hwy 108, Sonora, CA 95370 - 209.532.5321
An grand little store with lots of wonderful things!
We try and stop every time we pass by.
Mystery Mister, 1506 Haight Street, San Francisco,
CA 94117 / 415.552.4226
A lovely store full of retro, antiques and new delights.
Nature's Whole Food Depot, 19073 Standard Road, Sonora, CA 95370 / 209.532.8878 -
Mon to Sat: 8:30 to 6:30, Open sunday 10:00 to 4:00
A homegrown store in an old railroad station, heaven in one location. Baskets to bread, everything organic, including a nursery that caters to the unurual. Five star.
Nest and Nursery, 23039 Fuller Road, Twain Harte, CA 95383 / 209.586.1626
We buy plants from many, many different locations, and it occurred to me today, I have never lost one single plant from Nest & Nursery. The plant selection is tremendous,
the quality outstanding. The prices are a tad high but again, I have not lost one of their plants.
Oakville Grocery, 7856 St Helena Highway, Oakville, CA 94562 / 707.944.8802 - website
Mon-Thur 6:30 am - 5 pm, Fri-Sun 6:30 am - 5:30 pm (located between St Helena and Yountville)
If you are traveling and like the more selective tidbits and snacks, this little old grocery store was placed there for you.
A tad expensive but worth every penny for the selection of delights.
Om Gallery, 1201 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 /
- website
Stunning moodful objects for your mind, body, soul and environment.
The Outdoor Store, 247 North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 /
Very nice stuff, very expensive, worth every penny. My Patagonian shirt was on sale at $45.
Pets N Stuff, 217 W Jackson Street,
Ione, CA 95640 / 209.274.4324
A small, out of the way (if you call the end of a short street off a 4 block
long main street out of the way) pet shop. Small, but tidy, clean, and just
happy. The owner Pam, has a lovely laugh. Normal everyday items and hard
to find things for our babies!!! P.S. Simon the cat LOVES the Pit'r Pat snik
snaks, right by the register, hint, hint.
Piedmont Boutique, 1452 Haight Street, the Haight, San Francisco, CA 94117 / 415.864.8075
- website
No longer amateur fun, this place is serious fun. From costumes to sunglasses, hair decorations, masks, you name it. The girls we met were simply great,
and helped us make a very serious decision on a serious hat from a few doors down. Thanks to them, David bought it and we went home with hair decors for our house sitter.
You can't leave the store without something, everything is so fun!
Plaza Sewing, Quilting and Vacuum, 311 SE 6th St, Grants Pass, OR 97526 /
541.479.5757 - website
I can move to Grants Pass. Yup. These women are marvelous and incredibly helpful as quilters tend to be, the fabric is heavenly, and such a variety!!
Positively Haight Street, 1400 Haight Street,
San Francisco, CA 94117/ 415.252.8747 - website
Clothes, posters, you name it. Positively Sixties.
Much better before it changed hands. Sorry guys.
Purple Moose Thrift, 1402 S Main Hwy 101, Willits, CA 95490 - 707.459.1540
"Gently used things" by Ron and Judy Lovell. Please help support this shop, great stuff and great prices!!!
Rad Rags, 20434 Songbird Way, Hlmar, CA 95324 - 209.668.6802
OMG, the tye dye? She shows up in other towns and markets, love, love her stuff.
Real Food Company, 3060 Fillmore St at Union, Marina/Cow Hollow,
San Francisco, CA 94123 / 415.567.6900 - website
A small version of World Market or Whole Foods, tucked into a shopping area in the Cow Hollow area. This is where I fell in love with a $13 drink, Cashew, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Agave.
Never ever have I spent even half this on a frickin bottle of juice, (and did twice) but I plan to again. There are many mom and pop neighborhood groceries, but this one is the best.
Roselina Books & Antiques, 217 South Main Street, Willits, CA 95490 / 707.459.0932
A recent addition to the Willits Main Street shops, hopefully one that will be around for years. The stained glass lamps and the furniture can make you cry.
So far, my sister owns an 1865 lady's writing desk, I own a stained glass parrot night lamp.
Ross for Less, Various locations across California
I had to add this because the only Ross I had been in was in Merced. Then I was needing something while in the city, and saw how they run a Ross there. Yikes.
Ours is messy, smelly, full for things I would not dream of wearing, and then I saw the one on 16th St in San Franciso. I could have stayed hours but my patient
honey wasn't up to it. I really, really need to go back.
Rubaiyat Beads, 222 E Redwood Avenue, Fort Bragg, CA 95437
Never before have we left a shop because of the proprietor, and I guess there is a first for everything.
He unlocked the door for us (there was a recent nearby robbery I guess?) and I made a substantial purchase. All the while I browsed he made me feel like he was waiting
for me to pop something in my purse. The beads are in large, bulky strands, so that would have taken Houdini. AND, I would like to loudly proclaim I stole a ring from
Macy's when I was five, and have been mortified by the emotional aftermath. Never again, and I am over sixty years of age. Alas, I stray from the experience. I wanted,
and purchased some pretty pricey and lovely beads.
After we left, my daughter finally received the pictures I had sent her, indicated which ones she liked, so we returned to the store. Other browsers were there so the
door was unlocked, but the owner refused to let me near the beads my daughter had picked out unless I placed my purse on the floor of the store away form the bead wall
I wanted to approach. Hello???? I asked him if he was kidding,he said my husband could carry it. I looked at him in disbelief, and promptly left. He lost out on a second,
even larger purchase. I was amazed.
Sainsbury's, several locations in Britain - website
A smaller grocery store, less choices but terribly handy. A very different feel than a market here, almost like a five and dime.
Sawdust Studio, Coarsegold Historic Village, Coarsegold, CA 93614 559.760.3418 -
Owner - Karen Kane. Another sweet little shop in the village (we spent four hours) full of delights. Balsamic vinegar for Jena,
an incredible piece of stained glass and a tree of life necklace, but there was so much more. Definitely worth a visit if you pass by.
Second Time Around Books, 524 West Main St, Merced, CA 209.723.9521
Is there a bad book store? Nah. Our local place to find a true treasure.
Sharon Malone Lingerie, 146 S Washington, Sonora, CA 953701 209.532.6149
Not just lingerie!!! This is MY dress store.
Sierra Azul Nursery & Garden, 2660 East
Lake Ave, Watsonville, CA 95076 / 831.763.0939 -
Another store that warrants 'Warning Warning!" Besides the mesmerizing,
spectacular statue display that will take a good hour to see, there are plants
rarely found in our areas. Oddities and treasures at really reasonable pricing
considering. Bring a large vehicle and serious funds.
The Silver Store, 111 Sacramento St, Suite B, Auburn, CA 95603 / 530.823.0573 -
I am in so much trouble! I love silver. Thank goodness my husband is tolerant. Lovely lovely store, lovely, lovely owner, Mimi.
So Good Jewelry, 51649 Haight St, the Haight, San Francisco, CA 94117 / 415.255.9146
A serious junk jewelry store, with some surprising goodies, all low priced and really fun.
Sonora Favorite Kitchen Store, 98 S Washington St, Sonora, CA 95370 / 209.588.1400
An extensive kitchen store, everything you can imagine and then some. Reasonable prices, too. One of our favorite stops.
SPD Market,735 Zion St, Nevada City, CA 95959 - 530.264.0133
Wow. Double wow. Never knew this was here. How many points can I gather? First, it's huge.
Secondly, it's as neat as a pin. Little munchkins come out from the back of the shelves to push one forward just after you take a can or box of something and turn your back.
Every box, every can is perfectly face forward. People after my own OCD heart. Thirdly, they carry everything, house hold electrical, sporting goods to basics and beyond.
Fourthly, they carry ALL our favorite things. Fifthly, the staff is unbelievably helpful and friendly. Sixthly, the prices are really spot on, not jacked up like so many tourist towns do.
Full marks all the way down the road.
Spirit of the Red Horse, Minneapolis St Paul
Airport, St Paul, Minn / 612.726.9191
Clothes and more to die for.
Gone at this airport. : (
Stems Vases, Seattle, WA, SF Garden Show 2014 / 360.420.2944 -
Stunning vases! We ran into them at the SF Garden show, absolutely a must for the flower decorators.
Stories in Stones, 1249 S Main St, Angels
Camps, CA - 209.736.1300 -
The best collection of gems and stones I have seen yet, and the most helpful
people. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic place. Well worth the drive, besides the area is just incredible. Make sure you go on a day when Sylvia is there.
If I lived in that town I would be dropping in to visit with her every day. I went on a quest for some assorted and particular rocks and gems,
and came home with them all. Hubby wasn't horribly happy about the bill, but I was the happiest camper in the world.
Sweet Pea Creek, Coarsegold Historic Village, Coarsegold, CA 93614 559.760.5730 -
Owner Valarie Howell. This is one of the small, quaint and exquisite shops in the village. Bright and colorful home decor, hard to walk away with just one thing.
In our case it was the crow fountain. It just makes us laugh and smile. And Valerie is a delight!!
Tesco - many locations in the UK - website
This is the Walmart equivilent in the UK, smaller than our super stores (unless they have super Tesco's I didn't see) and they carry foods as well. For some reason,
I preferred Asda and Morrison's.
Tibet Styles, 1707 Haight Street, San Francisco,
CA 94117 / 415.387.0903
A newer store with my favorite bedspreads and heavy but exquisite jewelry
Tibetan Gift Corner, 1584 Haight Street at Clayton, San Francisco,
CA 94117 / 415.252-9512
Prepare yourself for an explosion of colour and sights. From junk to jewels, and treasures of all kinds.
Twain Harte Lumber & Hardware, 22956 Twain Harte Drive, Twain Harte, CA 95383 / 209.586.3571
You know those small town, tiny, cramped Ace Hardware stores? Well, this is it. Cramped, skinny isles, every space is used, you would probably knock something down if you sneezed.
Why is it that every one of these have uneven floors or a step that has to be highlighted? It's GREAT!! The aisles wind everywhere and it's just fun to go down every single one.
They have almost EVERY thing, and fun stuff to boot, the employees are a hoot!
Twain Harte Market, 18711 Tiffeni Drive, Twain
Harte, CA 95383 / 209.586.6100
Love, love, love this store. Deli, rye bread to die for, excellent selection of foods usually found in the SF markets or Whole Food type stores. Slightly higher but well worth the price.
We don't buy artichokes or sugar peas anywhere else.
Twain Harte Pharmacy, 18711 Tiffeni Drive, Twain Harte, CA 95383 / 209.586.3225
I am old hippie and a quilter, we live in MiWuk, this is the MOST delightful store I have ever been in. Need it? They have it. Ok, they did not have the right size curtain rod,
but that was a first. I know women who travel across California for their fabrics, not to mention their yarn, or dollhouse crafts, office supplies, toys, gifts,
kitchenware or, or, or. And this is all on top of normal drugstore supplies. I buy most of my favorite clothes here, too. The rest come from the Haight.
Urban Outfitters, Fashion Fair Mall, 639 E Shaw Ave, Ste 179, Fresno, CA 93702 / 559.241.0526
Oh yeah. Bellbottoms on clearance for $10.
GREAT staff.
Vintage Market, 210 E Main Street, Turlock, CA 95382 / 208.669.7800
The only negative rating here. I found tintypes with the names of the people, one was unpriced. When I asked for a price in order to return it to the family,
the price magically doubled that of the others.
Wilderness Lodge - The Horse You Rode In On, 11 Steinwehr Ave, Gettysburg, PA / 717.334.8866
The best hat shop by far. Expensive but delightful.
Windsong Books, 324 N Main St, Fort Bragg, CA 707.964.2050
Lovely little space, clean, delightful selection of books and gifts and toys and chimes and and and . . .
Wizards of Metal, 111 Sacramento St, Auburn, CA 95603 /
916.276.1046 - website
- facebook
Wonderful place that no longer has one witch weather vane and a huge stainelss steel squirrel.
World Market Bazaar, 1233 Pacific Avenue,
Santa Cruz, CA 95060 / 831.669.3872 -
A fantastic collection of stuff, all delightful, import fashion. Plan on
being there a while to see it all. Excellent prices.
Yabobo, 107 N Pine Street, Nevada City, CA
/ 530.478.9114
The sister shop of Asylum Down, a store
simply chaulk full of import delights, too much to see and drool on in one
visit. The fact that a dear old friend I have not seen in over 30 years worked
there had nothing to do with our visit, but I now one my favorite pants skirt
in all the world.
Yosemite Gifts, 5023 Hwy 140, Mariposa, CA
/ 209.966.4343
Can't believe I missed doing a rating on this place. Our go-to for rocks, beads, gems, Mariposa style.
Brooke helped us the other day, incredibly knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. She's a treasure, and matches the store.