Capt Christopher Newport returned to Virginia with the Second Supply, commanding the Mary and Margaret.. Dates cited are different, arrival at Jamestown are stated to be October 1, 1608 and January 2, 1608. Alexander Brown's records from Jamestown state they left England August and arrived in October.

Alphabetical Order:

Abbey Thomas 
Bedle Gabriell 
Bedle John 
Bell Henry, Tradesman
Bradley Thomas, Tradesman
Burras Anne, maid to Mistress Forrest
Burras John, Tradesman
Burton George 
Chroshaw Rawley 
Clarke John, Tradesman
Collings Henry 
Dauxe John 
Dowman William 
Dowse Thomas, Laborer
Ellys David, Tradesman
Forest Thomas 
Forrest Mistress
Fox Thomas, Laborer
Gipson Thomas, Tradesman
Graves Thomas 
Gudderington John 
Hancock Nicholas, Laborer
Hardwin Unknown, Laborer
Haryson Harmon 
Hellyard Unknown
Hoult John 
Hugh David ap, Tradesman
Hunt Master 
Lavander Thomas, Tradesman
Ley Henry 
Lowicke Michaell 
Mallard Thomas, Laborer
Maxes Thomas 
Milman Unknown
Morrell Unknown, Laborer
Norton Thomas 
Oconor Dionis, Tradesman
Phelps Thomas, Tradesman
Philpot Henry 
Powell Unknown Master, Tradesman
Prat John, Tradesman
Rose Unknown, Laborer
Russell John 
Russell William, escaped Indian ambush Dec 1609 
Sambage William 
Scot Unknown, Laborer
Shortridge Jefry, Tradesman, escaped Indian ambush Dec 1609
Taler William, Laborer
Tucker Daniell, left Virinia 1612, adventurer, Coldham pg 4
Waldo Captaine Richard, Council, drowned in James River Jan 1609
Walker Unknown, Laborer
West Master Francis 
Williams Unknown, Laborer
Winne, Captaine Peter, Council, died about April 1609
Wollystone Hugh 
Wynne Hugh, Tradesman
Yarington George 

Source order:

Captaine Peter Winne 
Captaine Richard Waldo 

Master Francis West 
Thomas Graves 
Rawley Chroshaw 
Gabriell Bedle 
John Russell 
John Bedle 
William Russell 
John Gudderington 
William Sambage 
Henry Collings 
Henry Ley 
Harmon Haryson 
Daniell Tucker 
Hugh Wollystone 
John Hoult 
Thomas Norton 
George Yarington 
George Burton 
Henry Philpot 
Thomas Maxes 
Michaell Lowicke 
Master Hunt 
Thomas Forest 
William Dowman 
John Dauxe 
Thomas Abbey 

Thomas Phelps 
John Prat 
John Clarke 
Jefry Shortridge 
Dionis Oconor 
Hugh Wynne 
David ap Hugh 
Thomas Bradley 
John Burras 
Thomas Lavander 
Henry Bell 
Master Powell 
David Ellys 
Thomas Gipson 

Thomas Dowse 
Thomas Mallard 
William Taler 
Thomas Fox 
Nicholas Hancock 


Mistresse Forrest, and Anne Burras her maide 
eight Dutch men and Poles, with some others 

Second Supply sources:
"The First Republic in America" by Alexander Brown

If you choose to use this information or copy this page,
please have the courtesy to include an acknowledgment that the work,
research and compilation was done by Anne Stevens of

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