The following entiries were obtained from my Hotten book 8a from the Musters of the Inhabitants in Virginia 1624/1625 chapters, pages 201 thru 265, which list the muster captain, and what ship the individual arrived on.

The Sampson with Captain John Ward arrived in Virginia April 22, 1619 with 50 emigrants, including Rev Thomas Bargrave, a nephew of Captain John Bargrave, to whom the pinnace belonged, and of Dr Bargrave, the dean of Canterbury. 40 pg 288

Blackborne, James, 1619 voyage, aged 20 at muster Eastern Shore, servant to Capt William Epes.
Drewe, Edward, 1618 voyage, aged 22 at muster Eastern Shore.
Emerson, William, on 1618 voyage. Partner to John Davies on 1617 George.
Harlow, John, 1619 voyage, aged 28 at muster Elizabeth City under John Waine.
Munnes, Nicholas, 1619 voyage, aged 25 at muster Eastern Shore, servant to Capt William Epes.
Powell, Thomas, 1619 voyage, muster Eastern Shore.
Smith, William, 1618 voyage, aged 26 at muster Eastern Shore.
Sumerfild, Nicholas, 1619 voyage, aged 15 at muster Eastern Shore, servant to Capt William Epes.
Tanner, Danniell, 1618 voyage, aged 40 at muster Elizabeth City with Lt Thomas Purfray.
Wilson, Henrie, 1619 voyage, aged 24 at muster Eastern Shore, servant to Capt William Epes.

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