"These men Whose names are heere under written belongings unto the Friendshipe of London, nowe ridinge att An Ankere in the reuer of Themes bound for Vergenia: March 1636."
Betts, Leonard, Master Blake, John Blorke, William Bonner, Richard Chambers, John, ye other Mate Daves, Richard, Cooper Frye, Richard Goodwene, John, Masters Mate Gribell Thomas, cook Huchens, John, Carpenters Mate Joyce, Henery Lawsone, Samuell, gunner Lee, John Pollen, John Porte, Nicholas Reeves, Thomas Salwcombe, Daveu, Carpenter Willkisson, Benjamone Willkisson, q master Yonges, John, botsman and a boye
Friendship sources: Hotten PofQ page 145
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