The Falcon left in April 1635 London, England, bound for Barbadoes under Master Thomas Irish.  

Alphabetical listing:

Allin, Thomas, 22
Baker, Smith, 28
Bassett, Jo, 19
Bathe, John, 23
Belton, Jo, 48
Biddleton, Henrie, 17
Bingham, William, 18
Bliss, Owen 30
Boldsworth, Antonio, 18
Bolt, Gabriell, 29
Bromby, Jo, 27
Bromby, Thomas, 59
Browne, Jo, 20
Brumwell, John, 22
Bull, Edward, 22
Burt, James, 13
Church, John, 21
Clark, George, 15
Cockman, Richard, 20
Crew, Marie, 19
Crispin, Thomas, 19
Crosby, Marmaduke, 28
Curtis, Elizabeth, 22
Dallinger, Jo, 16
Davers, Robert, 14
Dent, Richard, 17
Draper, Joseph, 21
Dye, Henry, 20
Elson, Elizabeth, 18
Fall, Charles, 19
Flitcroft, Nicolas, 16
Gerden, Bridget, 19
Giggon, Jesper, 18
Gilder, Henrie, 18
Goldsmith, Farford, 22
Gualmay, Thomas, 22
Halloway, Abraham, 20
Hand, Winifred, 20
Harris, George, 17
Haxley, Robert, 21
Hazell, Toby, 20
Hibbins, James, 17
Hill, Katherin, 20
Holburd, Walter, 24
Hopwood, Jo, 20
Jones, John, 24
Jones, Robert, 25
Knight, William, 30
Knowles, Thomas, 16
Lee, George, 16
Lett Tho  22
Long, Elizabeth, 21
Lostell, Peter, 14
Love, Valentine, 18
Matcalf, Thomas, 20
Morris, Humpfrey, 18
Newcom, Marie,17
Perry, Marie, 18
Robert's, Thomas, 18
Rogers, Jo, 34
Sawter, Roger, 17
Say, George, 26
Scott, John, 16
Sennott, William, 20
Sheering, Jo, 26
Sheres, Francis, 26
Sherhack, Benedicter, 20
Smith, Francis, 20
Snathe, Richard, 19
Spyer, Jo, 32
Stor/ston/stow, Samuel, 17
Sturgis, William, 18
Terry, Bassell, 22
Turner, Marmaduke, 21
Wade, Nicolas, 19
Wallis, Thomas, 27
Webb, Thomas, 18 (Also on the Dec voyage?)
Write, Nathaniell, 32

Role order:

"xiiij Aprilis 1635

Theis under-written names are to be transported to the Barbadoes imbarqued in the Faulcon de London, THO: IRISH Mr  p certificate from the Minister of the pish of their conformity to the orders of the Church of England, The Men have taken the oaths of Allegeance and Supremacie."

Bolt, Gabriell, 29
Bliss, Owen 30
Say, George, 26
Terry, Bassell, 22
Turner, Marmaduke, 21
Bassett, jo, 19
Sheering, jo, 26
Biddleton, Henrie, 17
Lett  Tho  22
Stor/ston/stow, Samuel, 17
Burt, James, 13
Fall, Charles, 19
Sennott, William, 20
Browne, jo, 20
Webb, Thomas, 18
Hopwood, jo, 20
Wade, Nicolas, 19
Davers, Robert, 14
Dye, Henry, 20
Bull, Edward, 22
Goldsmith, Farford, 22
Crispin, Thomas, 19
Sheres, Francis, 26
Bathe, John, 23
Baker, Smith, 28
Hibbins, James, 17
Belton, jo, 48
Flitcroft, Nicolas, 16
Bingham, William, 18
Morris, Humpfrey, 18
Dallinger, jo, 16
Rogers, jo, 34
Spyer, jo, 32
Smith, Francis, 20
Halloway, Abraham, 20
Draper, Joseph, 21
Bromby, Thomas, 59
Bromby, jo, 27
Giggon, Jesper, 18
Brumwell, John, 22
Dent, Richard, 17
Gualmay, Thomas, 22
Snathe, Richard, 19
Cockman, Richard, 20
Allin, Thomas, 22
Love, Valentine, 18
Haxley, Robert, 21
Matcalf, Thomas, 20
Knight, William, 30
Gilder, Henrie, 18
Lee, George, 16
Boldsworth, Antonio, 18
Church, John, 21
Scott, John, 16
Jones, Robert, 25
Write, Nathaniell, 32
Jones, John, 24
Wallis, Thomas, 27
Hazell, Toby, 20
Clark, George, 15
Robert's, Thomas, 18
Crosby, Marmaduke, 28
Harris, George, 17
Sawter, Roger, 17
Perry, Marie, 18
Elson, Elizabeth, 18
Gerden, Bridget, 19
Hill, Katherin, 20
Newcom, Marie,17
Sherhack, Benedicter, 20
Crew, Marie, 19
Long, Elizabeth, 21
Hand, Winifred, 20
Curtis, Elizabeth, 22
Sturgis, William, 18
Knowles, Thomas, 16
Lostell, Peter, 14
Holburd, Walter, 24

Hotten's P of Q pages 63-64, transcribed by Mollie Fox

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please have the courtesy to include an acknowledgment that the work,
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