The following entiries were obtained from my Hotten book 8a from the Musters of the Inhabitants in Virginia 1624/1625 chapters, pages 201 thru 265, which lists the muster captain, and what ship the individual arrived on.
Elizabeth of London sailed November 1624 for Virginia, despite motion for release dated Jan 7 1625. She broke her masts and was at Dover January 1625.
Avelin, Abraham, 1620 voyage, aged 23 at muster Elizabeth City, servant to William Gayne and Robart Newman. Avelin, Arthur, 1620 voyage, aged 26 at muster Elizabeth City, servant to William Gayne and Robart Newman. Barnett, Thomas, 1620 voyage, aged 16 at muster, servant to Sir George Yearley at James City, 1624. Farbrase, Roger, 1621 voyage, aged 26 at muster, Elizabeth City, listed with William and Francis Cole. Flinton, Farrar and Joane, 1612 voyage, aged 36 and 38 at muster, Elizabeth City, with William Bentlie. Rogers, Bryan, 1621 voyage, aged 18 at muster, Elizabeth City under Alezxander Mountney. Rowe, Nicholas, 1621 voyage, at muster Elizabeth City with John Haney and Mary Rowe on London Merchant. Savadge, Robart, 1621 voyage, aged 18 at muster, Elizabeth City under Thomas Flynt. Walton, John, 1621 voyage, aged 28 at muster, Elizabeth City under Alezxander Mountney. Ward, John, 1621 voyage, muster at Elizabeth City with Adam Rimwell, Chris. Wynwill, Oliver Jenkins, Henrie & Ann Potter and Robart Goodman.
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