The Bevis left Southampton May 1638 for New England with her master Robert Batten.
The following Lists of New England Emigrants are from Her Majesty's State Paper Office
SOUTHAMPTON.--- The list of the names of Passeng. Intended to shipe themsleues, In the Beuist of Hampton of CL. Tonnes, Robert Batten Mr for Newengland, And thsu by vertue of the Lord Treasurers warrant of the second of May w'th was after the restrayat and they some Dayes gone to sea Before the Kinges Mat'es Proelamacon Came boto South'uon. No. of Persons.
Alphabetical order: Alcocke Francis 26, servant Austin Richard of Bishopstocke 40, Taylor , his wife and 2 children (From Bishop's Stoke, Hampshire, bound for Charlestown, MA. Ref: Pope. 36 pg 60.) Banshott Tho 14, Carpenter servant Batt Christopher of Sarcum, 37, Tanner Batt Anna 32, Chirstopher's wife Batt Dorothis Batt 20, Chirstopher's sister Batt children, 5 under 10 years Bayley Richard 15, servant Blackston Eliza 22, Batt Servant Byley Henery of Saru 26, tanner Byley Mary 22 Byley John 20, Byley servant Carpenter William of Horwell /Wherwell 62, carpenter (From Wherwell, Hampshire, bound for Weymouth and Rehoboth, MA. Ref: Pope. 36 pg 64) Carpenter William Jr. of Horwell 33, carpenter Carpenter Abigael 32 Carpenter children, 4 10 or under Dum Richard of New England 40 (Dummer, Richard, listed as aboard the Whale. 36 pg 60) Dum Alice 35 Dum Tho 19 (Dummer, Thomas, from North Stoneham, Hampshire, bound for Newbury. Ref: Pope. 36 pg 62) Dum Joane 19 Dum Jane 10 Dum Steephen, husbandman (Dummer, Stephen from Bishop's Stoke, Hampshire, bound for Mewbury. Ref: Pope. 36 pg 60) Dum Dorothie 6 Dum Richard 4 Dum Tho 2 Durdal Hough, Littlefield servant Ffrey John of Basing, Whelwrite , wife and 3 children (From Basingstroke, Hampsjire, bound for Newbury. Ref: NEGR 8/226. 36 pg 60.) Good Thomas 24, Batt Servant Hutchinson John 30, carpenter, servant Knight John, carpenter and Littlefield servant Knight Robert 37, Carpenter Servant to R. Austin Littlefield Annis 38 Littlefield children, 6 Moll Adam 19, Taylor, servant Parker Nathaunel 20, servant of London Backer Pond Rebecca,18, Batt Servant Poore Samuel 18, servant Poore Da'yell 14, servant Poore Alce 20, servant see Alice Poore Reemes Tho, Byley servant (Reeves, Thomas, from Salisbury, Wiltshire, boudn for Roxbury. Ref: Hotten. 36 pg 180) Wackefeild Anna 20, Servant Wackefeild Will. 22, servant Listing order: Ffrey John of Basing, Whelwrite , wife and 3 children Austin Richard of Bishopstocke 40, Taylor , his wife and 2 children Knight Robert 37, Carpenter Servant to R. Austin Batt Christopher of Sarcum, 37, Tanner Batt Anna 32, Chirstopher's wife Batt Dorothis Batt 20, Chirstopher's sister Batt children, 5 under 10 years Good Thomas 24, Batt Servant Blackston Eliza 22, Batt Servant Pond Rebecca,18, Batt Servant Carpenter William of Horwell /Wherwell 62, carpenter Carpenter William Jr. of Horwell 33, carpenter Carpenter Abigael 32 Carpenter children, 4 10 or under Banshott Tho 14, Carpenter servant Littlefield Annis 38 Littlefield children, 6 Knight John, carpenter and Littlefield servant Durdal Hough, Littlefield servant Byley Henery of Saru 26, tanner Byley Mary 22 Reemes Tho, Byley servant Byley John 20, Byley servant Dum Richard of New England 40 Dum Alice 35 Dum Tho 19 Dum Joane 19 Dum Jane 10 Dum Steephen, husbandman Dum Dorothie 6 Dum Richard 4 Dum Tho 2 Huthcinson John 30, carpenter, servant Alcocke Francis 26, servant Moll Adam 19, Taylor, servant Wackefeild Will. 22, servant Parker Nathaunel 20, servant of London Backer Poore Samuel 18, servant Poore Da'yell 14, servant Poore Alce 20, servant Bayley Richard 15, servant Wackefeild Anna 20, Servant
The nomb'r of passeng'rs aboue mentioned are Sixtie and one Soules.
Tho: Wurfres Coll. And Sear' Hen: Champante Cust's. D. Dingley Compt'r
[Endorsement.]----Southotn, 1628. The sert. And list of the Passeng'rs names gone for New England in the Bevis of Hampton, in May 1638.
Bevis sources: If you choose to use this information or copy this page,
please have the courtesy to include an acknowledgment that the work, research and compilation was done by Anne Stevens from
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