"23rd Junij 1635

Theis under-written names are to be transported to Virginea imbarqued in the America Willm Barker Mr. p. Cert: from the Minister of the Towne of Gravesend of their conformity to the orders & disipline of the Church of England."

Askyn, Robert  22
Averie, Jo.  20
Awde, Samuel  24
Baker, (Barker)Dorothy  18
Baker, (Barker) Elizabeth  18
Barker, Henry  18
Belt, Humfrey  20
Bennett, Thomas 22
Bernard, William  27
Boomer, Thomas  13
Bromley, David  15
Bronsford, Jonathan  21
Brookes, George  35
Brookes, Walter  15
Brookes, William  17
Broughton, Thomas  19
Bucland, Willm  19
Bull, Isack  27
Carter, John 54
Chandler, George  29
Chappell, Thomas 33 or 23
Chipps, Edmond  19
Colebank, Sara 20
Cotton, Rowland  22
Cowley, Willm  20
Croftes, John  20
Dalmare, George  8
Death, Susan 11
Death, Elizabeth  3
Ecles, John  16
Embrey, Henry  20
Evans, William 28
Farebern, Lawrence  23
Farepoynt, John 20
Fletcher, Miles 27
Foster, James  21
Fox, Hugh 24
Gummy, Richard  21
Harrison, Richard 15 (Possibly from Kirby, Chester, bound for New Haven, CT. NEGR 70  36 pg 14)
Hersey, Richard  22
Hibbotts, Katherin  20
Holland, Thomas  34
Holton, Bartholemew  25
Hooe, Ryce  36
Jackson, Lancelot  18
Jewell, Walter  19
Jno.son (Johnson?), Thomas  19
Jobe, Joan  18
Lamb, Robert  16
Mace, John  20
Miller, Richard 12
Morgan, Andrew  26
Morris, David  32
Nash, Ann  11
Parsons, Henry  14
Parsons, Phillip  10
Phillips, Elizabeth  22
Pratt, Thomas  17
Pritchard, Tho.  32
Read, Stephen  24
Remington, Alice  26
Remington, Elizabeth  20
Remington, Phillip  28
Richardson, Symon  23
Robinson, John 32
Robinson, Matthew  24
Rymett, Thomas  23
Sabyn, Robert  40
Sadd, Richard  23
Sambridge, William  27
Somers. James 22
Srpagmy, Radulph  37
Standich, Dorothy  22
Talbot, Thomas  20
Thomas, Robert  20
Thomas, William  22
Thurrogood, Mary  19
Underwood, John  19
Wakefield, Thomas  17
Wallinger, Charles  24
White, John  21
Yates, John  20
Young, Richard  31

America sources:
Hottten P of Q pages 95 - 96

If you choose to use this information or copy this page,
please have the courtesy to include an acknowledgment that the work,
research and compilation was done by Anne Stevens from packrat-pro.com

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