Robert Rainsford

Robert Rainsford, Esquire, of Staverton, Northamptonshire.
Son of Richard Rainsford, Gent, of Epping, Essex by Anne Meade, daughter of Thomas of Berdon, Essex. Baptized 07 Feb 1567 at Epping. 
Husband of Georgiana Pope, daughter of John Pope, Esquire of Wroxton, Oxfordshire by Elizabeth Brockett. They had one son and two daughters:
Mary, wife of John Phipps
Jane, wife of Robert Awbery

Secondly, husband of Mary Kirkton, married 14 Dec 1602 at Croydon. They had four sons and two daughters:
Elizabeth, wife of John Aglionby
Anne, wife of Samuel Leete 

Robert died testate at Staverton. Mary was living 20 April 1634, the date of her son's will.

Sigurd Ragnarsson

Defeated Harald Hildetand

Sigurd Snake-eye was one of the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok and Kraka, but what set him apart from the others was that he was born with the image of the ouroborous, a snake or dragon biting its own tail, encircling the pupil of his left eye. When his father died, he inherited Skåne, Halland, the Danish islands, and Viken. He was considered to be the (great?) grand-father of Gorm the Old.

Ralph the Staller

Ralph of Gael or of Wader. A staller is a high official in the king's household.

Ralph of Gael is referred to as the only proven English traitor on the Norman host (of gatherers called by William in August 1066) and he was rewarded with his treason with the earldom of Norfolk where he may have been born. 122 pg 150

Ralph the Timid was the earl of Hereford from before 1050 until his death in 1057. He was the son of Drogo of Mantes, count of the Vexin, and Goda, daughter of King Ethelred the Unready of England and Emma of Normandy. Thus, he was a nephew of the English king Edward the Confessor, who probably placed him in command of the earldom of Herefordshire, within the vast holdings of Godwin, earl of Wessex. He himself married a woman named Gytha.

He placed Normans in positions of authority beneath him in his county and these immediately began constructing castles, a new architectural feature in the English landscape. When Godwin returned from exile in 1052, there was almost war between the English and the Normans, but it was prevented and many Normans had to flee the country. Edward intervened on Ralph's behalf, for he loved him dearly. Godwin made peace with his underling Ralph, but died on September 14, 1053. In that year, Ralph became earl for certain in his own right and held the counties of Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire as well. In 1055, Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, king of Gwynedd (and later all Wales), invaded Ralph's lands and Ralph called up his fyrd (the militia). Arming all his men as Norman knights, they sallied forth from his Hereford castle and were soundly defeated on October 24, 1055. Gruffyd took Hereford and destroyed the new castle. Ralph was disgraced and he died on 1057, never having recovered from the shock of loss or the ignominy of his defeat: he was ever after called the Timid, less for actual cowardice as for his trust in armoured cavalry over the traditional Anglo-Saxon war form.

Bjorn Ragnarsson

Björn Ironside (Old Norse: Björn Járnsíða, Swedish: Björn Järnsida) Swedish king (ca 785-800) was a legendary viking from the 8th century. He was one of the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok. He pillaged in Italy and took part in the conquest of Paris with his father Ragnar Lodbrok.

He acquired the name Ironside because he was never wounded in battle. This invulnerability was attributed to his mother Aslaug's use of seid in order to make him impervious to iron and steel.

According to Hervarar saga he inherited Sweden from his father while his brother Sigurd Snake-Eye inherited the remainder of Scandinavia.

The dynasty he founded is called the House of Munsö by modern historians, because a local tradition claims that he is buried in Björnshögen at Husby on the island of Munsö. Many of his dynasty were to be named Björn.

He had two sons, Refil and Erik Björnsson, and Erik succeeded him on the throne.

McBride's pages list Bjorn Ragnarsson and son Erik Edmundsson. According to the practice of names, this would not be correct.

LDS church records have the order as:

Bjorn Ragnarsson
Refill Bjornsson
Erik Refilsson
Edmund Eriksson
Erik Edmundsson
Bjorn Eriksson

This is the order I have considered correct, considering the name practice.

Ramiro II

Ramiro II (c.900–951), son of Ordoño II, was King of León from 931 until his death. Initially titular king only of a lesser part of Asturias, he gained the crown of León (and with it, Galicia) after his brother Alfonso IV abdicated in 931.

Ramiro was the creator of a Navarrese, Leonine and Aragonese coalition that defeated the Muslims in the Battle of Simancas (939). This victory allowed the advance of the Leonine border of the Duero to the Tormes.

In the last years of his reign he could not avoid Castilian independence under the direction of Count Fernán González, but still in 950 he launched an expedition to the valley of the Edge and defeated the Muslims at Talavera.

Ramiro I

Ramiro I (c.790–850) became king of Asturias in 842 and reigned until his death. Son of Bermudo I, he succeeded Alfonso II.

First, he had to deal with the usurper Nepocian, defeating him at the Battle of the Bridge of Cornellana, by the river Narcea. Ramiro then removed the system of election which allowed his family to be displaced by a faction of nobles.

During his turbulent reign, the chronicles relate that he had to fend off attacks from both the Moors and the Vikings. Supposedly, he defeated the former in the legendary Battle of Clavijo. At this battle, Saint James the Greater, the Moor-Slayer, appeared abouve a white horse, giving rise to his cult in Spain.

In 846, the Christian population of León fled before a Moorish attack, and it was not reoccupied until 856, under Ordono I.

The art and architecture of his reign forms the Ramirense phase of Asturian art. His court was the centre of great splendour, of which the palace and church of Santa María del Naranco and San Miguel de Lillo are testimony.

Ramiro died at Liño and was succeeded by his son, the aforementioned Ordoño.

Sigurd Randversson

Sigurd Ring (Old Norse: Sigurðr hringr) (ca 750) was a Swedish king mentioned in sources such as Norna-Gests þáttr, Gesta Danorum, Hervarar saga and Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum. He was the nephew of the Danish king Harald Hildetand who put him on the Swedish throne. He beat his uncle at the colossal Battle of Bråvalla, and became the ruler of Denmark as well.

He ruled until he became very old. Then he fell in love with a beautiful girl, Alvsol of Vendsyssel, but was not allowed to marry her. Sigurd attacked Alvsol's brothers, but was mortally wounded during the battle. Alvsol had already died of poison so as not to be taken by Sigurd. Sigurd had the girl and her brothers put on a ship which he steered out to the sea as the ship burnt. He was the father of Ragnar Lodbrok.