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Sabrines Italics in Rome before Romulus and Remus founded Rome, Sabrine women were taken by the twins as they had no women of their own. Sabrina = town near Rome.
Sachen Saxony
Saladin Kurdish Muslim warrior and founder of the Ayyubid dynasty of Egypt and Syria; One of the most honourable men of the Crusades.
The current county of Salahad-Din in Iraq is at the Tigris River, includes the city of Tikrit.
Saracens Wandering Arabs from Arabian Desert, Muslims, from Palestine, Syria, Arab Moors.
Used by Roman Empire to describe Arab tribes in the Sinai, while the Greeks used it for all Arabs
After the rise of Islam it was used for all Moslems
Saxons Germans originally from Holstein. Roman term for English speaking people in Britain, comes from the Welsh appellation Saeson. Saxons called themselves Angles and Frisians.
The word Saxon is used as a generic term for people from Germany.
Saxons settled in Essex, Sussex and Wessex, the East, South and West Saxons
Saxons are people from north west Germany or Old Saxony, settled in the south and west of England.
Angles are people from the Germany/Denmark border, predominantly occupied the midlands and the north.
Jutes are believed to originate from areas of Jutland (Denmark) and Frisian coast, the Jutes in Kent populated the area that now encompasses Sussex and Hampshire including London.
Saxony Germany, largest of 16 states. In middle ages refered to region occupied by today's states of Lower Saxony and northern North Rhine-Westphalia
Saxony England, now Wessex, lower part of England
Scots Celtic tribe in northern Ireland who went to Scotland where the Picts were. See Picts.
Scythians Nomads from the Russian steppes
Seljuk Turks A major branch of the Oghuz Turkics and a dynasty that ruled parts of Central Asia and the Middle East, who migrated from the north Iranian provinces in Central Asia into mainland Iran formerly known as Persia.
Semites Nomads perhaps originating on the Arabian peninsula, including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Canaanites, Eblaites, Hebrews, and Phoenicians. Not a race but a group of people based on dialect.
Languages are Arabic and Hebrew, Akkadian, Phoenician, Aramic, Arabic
Religions include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Sheriff Shire Reeve (1100's)
Sidon Phoenician state on the coast of Palestine
Slavics Word origin "to talk" - Indo-European people originating in Eastern Europe, settling and dividing down to northern Asia, Eastern (incl Belarusians, Russians, and Ukrainians), Western (incl Czechs, Poles and Slovaks) and Southern (incl Bosniaks, Bulgarians, Croats, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Serbs and Slovenians) areas of Europe by 500BC.
Stone Ages Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze, Iron Age
Sumerians Sumerians were the first people in Ur, southern Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, now south eastern Iraq. Of unknown origin, not semites.
Syria Middle eastern country never independent, generally homeland of the Arameans. First mentioned by Herodotus 400s BC. Occupied by Hurrian, Hittities, Arameans cultures
Swabia Germany near France & Switzerland
Teutonics West Germans
Thracians Indo-Europeans north of the Aegean Sea
Trojans Aegean culture in the city of Troy in NW Turkey
Turin Papyrus Chronicle of kings by dynasty written in Egypt 19th dynasty (1350 BC)

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