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Franks Germanic people, first appear in the 400's as settlers on the Rhine: Salians of the seaor salt (sal-sea) and Ripuarians on the riverbanks (rip=river) Frankish kingdom became France, Germany and Italy. The Franks in the Crusaders were Frenchmen.
Ripuarians centered in Rhineland at Cologne, absorbed by the Salians in 508
Salians started on the Dutch coastlines, migrated in 400's throughout Belgium and to northern France, then formed a kingdom in northern France and on coasts north of it, the nucleus of the future Kingdom of France. In 500's and 600's, they centered in Belgian city of Tournai ,then moved south to control over Roman Gaul, i.e. France, which bears its current name after them.
Friesland Province of north Netherlands, part of an ancient, larger area called Frisia. Stretched form Belgium to Germany.
Friars Division of Friars in Europe, known by the colours of their clothing.
Black Friars (Friar Preachers) were Dominicans, Grey Friars or Minors were Franciscan, White Friars were Carmelites.
Frisians Originally from the coast of the North Sea from the mouth of the Rhine river up to their eastern border at Ems (northwestern Germany and northeastern Netherlands). Joined the Angles, Saxons and Jutes invading Briton in the 400's. Conquered by the Romans in 12 BC, obscure remaining Frisians sailed to England, or stayed behind in abandoned Anglo Saxons territory, what became known as Frisia Magna in the Netherlands, further diminished by Saxons from the south and east and the Franks from the south and west. Currently focused in Friesland and Groningen, expected to become completely extinct.
Gant Now Ghent, Belgium
Gaul Roman name for France and/or
Celts who went to Anatolia and ravaged the area for 46 years were confined to Galatia and called Gauls, the tribe existed until 63AD when they became a Roman province.
Germanics The Germanic people were in Scandanavia or Denmark and between Elbe and Ocer as early as 2000 BC. To the east were the Balts or Letts, to the west were Celts.

The west Germans were the Teutonics who displaced the Celts around 1000 BC moving up the Elbe and the Rhine.

The east Germans  were Scandanavians crossed the Baltic Sea around 600 to 300 BC and up Vistula to the Carpathians.

The north Germans remained in Scandanavia or Denmark.

Gilamesh Epic 12 large stone tablets found in Nineveh, among the ruins of the temple library and the palace library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (c.668-663) . Stone IX tells of the Great Flood, the god Ea warns Utnapishtim who builds the ark that lands on Mount Nisir. The Epic of Creation and the Epic of Gilamesh were written in Mesopotamia, see or more info
Goths East Germans from Scandanavia c/o Visigoths and Ostrogoths
Gutians Non-Semetic tribe entering Babylon  from the northeast mountains 2000 BC who ended the Akkadian dynasty  A-27
Gwynedd Established by Cunedda Wledig Edern in Wales c 380. Originally named Venedotia which mutated to Gwynedd. North west England
Hainhault Belgium
Hittities Earliest people in central Turkey with a capital of Hattusas in 1650 BC, Indo-Eurasian language and culture, non-Semitic. Very closely related to Hurrians
homo erectus Erect human
homo habilis Skillful human
homo sapiens Human beings, current humans are homo sapien sapiens
Huns Nomadic mongols of Ural-Altaic race from Asia raided Europe, settled in Danube and Theiss valleys during the 300's for 50 years
Hurrians From Mitanni in Mesopotamia 1400's BC from the northeast mountains, non-Semitic, Biblical Herites A-27
Hyksos Nomadic Semites and Hurrians from Palestine, Syria and northern parts. Had tools and horses

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